Welcome to 'The Coffee Crew'.

The on-line home of Midland authors, Phillipa Ashley, Nell Dixon and Elizabeth Hanbury. Check in here to find out more about our work, get the latest gossip on what we're up to next, or book us for a talk or workshop.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ding, Ding, Ding - we have winners!

Congratulations to Alfie, Laura Hamby and Pookystew! You each have a download of Brief Encounters coming to you. Please contact helen @ nelldixon .com (without the spaces) to give me your email addys so we can send it to you.Thanks to everyone who entered and we hope you'll enjoy the stories.


  1. Wauw - this is wonderful. Cant wait to read all the stories. Thank you so much.

  2. Awesome! I just sent off an email to collect my winnings! Thank you!!
