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The on-line home of Midland authors, Phillipa Ashley, Nell Dixon and Elizabeth Hanbury. Check in here to find out more about our work, get the latest gossip on what we're up to next, or book us for a talk or workshop.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Launch Day for Christmas Ever After

Launching today from Nell Dixon - Christmas Ever After Amazon UK

Lady Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Bellhavan is dubbed the runaway bride after calling off her wedding on the eve of her marriage just a week before Christmas. Her best friend, Sophie has the perfect hideout for the beleaguered society belle, her childhood home, Tything Manor. Lottie won’t be alone for Christmas at the isolated Northumbrian manor house, Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf, the reclusive Earl of Craigmore will be there too.

Rafe is aware his unconventional looks and retiring nature won’t win any beauty contests but with the magic of the Christmas season and some judicious matchmaking from the meddlesome Sophie it might just be Christmas Ever After for Lottie and Rafe…

And here’s a taster

Charlotte picked up her mobile phone as if afraid it might bite her. She puffed out a sigh of relief when Sophie’s number showed on the screen.

“Are you okay, Lottie?” Her friend’s anxious voice reached her as soon as she accepted the call.

“I’m fine. I don’t think anyone will look for me here.” She tried to sound confident. Sophie was on enforced bed rest thanks to raised blood pressure caused by pregnancy and Lottie didn’t intend to raise her stress levels.

“Phew. I’m glad you got out of London. It’s ghastly here. I’m afraid Tom’s done exactly what you said he would do. The story is all over the press.”

Nausea rose in Lottie’s throat. “I’m not surprised. It’s what he knows, isn’t it? I don’t suppose it paints me in a very good light.” She tried to keep her tone cheerful even though she wanted to weep at the unfairness of it all.

“I made Henry bring me the newspapers. The headlines are all variations on a theme. ‘Society belle abandons fiancé at altar,’ etc, etc.”

Lottie pictured Sophie propped up in bed on a mountain of pillows wrinkling her pretty nose up in disgust as she spoke. “It wasn’t at the altar. It was the day before the wedding.”

There was a rustle of papers as Sophie replied. “I know that sweetie, and I know you had very good reasons for calling the wedding off. I just wish you’d let me tell the rest of the world about some of them.”

Lottie swallowed down the lump in her throat. She was so lucky to have Sophie as her friend. “It’ll blow over soon enough I suppose.” At least she hoped it would. She was glad that she was safely tucked away in Northumbria, out of the glare of the press spotlight. Tything Manor was well off the beaten track and few people knew of her connection with Sophie’s childhood home.

“Rafe should be with you later today, he called in to see me on his way from the airport.”

“The house is all ready. Food is stocked up and the oil for the heating was delivered yesterday.” She tried to remember when she’d last seen Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf.

© Nell Dixon 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Radio Gaga released today

Today is the big day for Nell! Radio Gaga is officially released! Her chick-lit suspense title Radio Gaga will be available on Amazon for kindle for three months then other ebook retailers will follow with a print version coming in aprox September time. Look out for release news from Phillipa coming soon!

Over the airwaves everyone can hear you scream!

Radio researcher and part-time presenter Chloe Lark is certain her big show biz break is just around the corner. Live it Up radio may not be the big time, but surely - one day soon - fame will come her way. And, if she could convince the hunky guy next door to give her a chance, her love life might improve too.

Ex-soldier Ben isn’t sure if his new ‘Z’ list celebrity neighbour is crazy or on medication. Either way he’s looking for a quiet life out of the spotlight. The last thing he needs is an accident prone media hungry blonde complete with mystery stalker. Problem is - Chloe doesn’t seem to have received that particular memo…

Here’s an excerpt!

I knew it wasn’t burglars when I noticed the large empty space next to the bay window. No self-respecting burglar would break into someone’s home just to steal a life size cardboard cut-out of Darth Vader would they?

No, it wasn’t burglars who’d nicked Darth or who’d cleared the shelf of the Queen CDs. It was Neil. He’d finally moved out, and taken Freddie Mercury and the Dark Lord with him as he went.

For a moment I stood trying to decide how I felt. Angry? Broken-hearted? In the time it took me to cross the room, enter the kitchen and dump my handbag on the worktop I decided my overwhelming feeling was relief.

Neil had raided the kitchen too: his state of the art coffee maker which I hadn’t been allowed to touch was gone, along with his juicer and his super fancy wok. Only a couple of spilled coffee beans on the countertop showed where they had been. I looked at the clippie magnet on the fridge to see if he’d left me a note. We’d always left messages for each other one there. A few months back they had been little love notes with kisses and pictures of hearts. Now the only thing on there was the ratty message I’d left for him yesterday asking him to pick up some milk on his way home.

I walked back through the lounge to what had once been our bedroom. The wardrobe doors were open showing the empty hangers and his rack of immaculately arranged ties had gone. My mobile vibrated in my trouser pocket telling me I had a text as I sank down onto the edge of the bed. I knew what it would be before I even fished it out of my pocket.

‘Chloe, guess you know by now have moved out, thought would be better this way. U know it wasn’t working, sorry, N’

© Nell Dixon 2013

Available from Amazon.com And AMAZON UK

Find Nell onFACEBOOK where I have lots of snippets, freebie giveaways and general book chat.

Or on Twitter - @NellDixon

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lights, Camera, Poltergeist! First release of the year

Things don’t just go bump in the night, sometimes they throw tea cups!

As the presenter for Ghost Uk, the leading TV show investigating paranormal activity, Fae thought she’d seen it all. Until a Valentine’s Eve live show from Scotland’s Fingelly Manor upsets both her preconceptions and her love life.

Fae snuggled down deeper into the chunky knitted roll neck of her sweater and wished she could shake off the eerie sensations. She puffed out a sigh and watched her breath condense in the air before her face. It wasn’t only the room that was chilly. The relationship between herself and John had taken on a distinctly frosty tinge lately too.

She strolled across the room to the huge diamond leaded window that would have filled the room with light if it hadn’t been shrouded in dust and some dark red velvet drapes that had seen better days. Out in the corridor the electricians and tech staff were hammering and cursing the ancient electrical wiring.

The afternoon light had already started to fade and fingers of frost were beginning to form at the corners of the window. A flicker of movement near the trees on the far side of the lawn caught her attention and she leaned forward, almost bumping her nose against the glass in her quest to see what it was.

Whatever or whoever she thought she’d seen had vanished and she relaxed back on her heels. Working as a presenter on Ghost UK had made her jumpy. Every dark corner now held the possibility of something spooky. In such a deserted spot it was unlikely that anyone would be outside in the grounds, especially in this freezing weather.

“Fae, darling, there you are!”

She turned around to see her producer, Tim, sweeping towards her. She pasted a fake smile on her lips when she saw he was accompanied by the owner of the house, Giles McGinty, Laird of Fingelly. She’d already met Giles when she’d arrived and her impressions hadn’t been favourable.

“Giles has invited us all to dinner tonight before we start filming. Isn’t that marvellous?” Tim raised his eyebrows at her.

“That’s very kind.” Fae was quick enough to pick up the signal.

Giles smiled at her, his gaze lingering just a fraction of a second too long on her bust before raising his gaze to her face. “The pleasure is all mine. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better before the filming.”

She suppressed a shudder as his dark eyes locked on her face. “John and I will look forward to it.”

© Nell Dixon 2013 http://www.nelldixon.com Romance with Heart Available from all good e tailers:


Amazon UK

Why not read more about Fae in Cue Me In? Haunted happenings in a Welsh Castle. Amazon

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's been a busy year!

Phillipa, Nell and Liz would like to thank everyone for your support during 2012. It's certainly been an amazing year for all us. Lots of new books!

Elizabeth Hanbury - A Bright Particular Star and The Cinderella Debutante which topped the best seller lists at Amazon!

Phillipa Ashley - Fever Cure and Miranda's Mount - which won an award!

Nell Dixon - Easter Holiday, New Bay Wedding, Passionate Harvest, Be My Hero and The Cinderella Substitute

So what have we in store for you in 2013? Well, already schedules for release is It happened one night from Phillipa - available for preorder at Amazon! and Nell has lights Camera Poltergeist releasing Jan 3rd followed by Radio Gaga in March. Liz has a project in the pipeline with much more to come from all of us!

Cheers! Raise your glass or mug and here's to a happy and healthy 2013 with great reading from us.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Nell Dixon new release

Here’s the blurb! In the two years since the tragic car crash that killed his fiancée, Nathanial (Nate) Mayer has successfully avoided another relationship. His family and especially his twin sister Nathalie are worried. Jennifer (Jenni) Blake is Nate’s personal assistant. Hired after the accident, she has her own problems to deal with, including the deaths of her adoptive parents and the debts incurred by their nursing care. But those difficulties pale into insignificance when Jenni finally traces her birth mother… Available from all good etailers including: AMAZON UK and AMAZON.COM

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Be My Hero!

Here's the blurb! Nathalie Mayer is thirty-four. On the surface she is an attractive, happy, single, successful woman running her own bridal business. Despite her line of work and her obvious delight in other people’s weddings, including that of her twin brother, Nate. Nathalie has always declared that a settled relationship is not for her. There has only ever been one man whom Nathalie felt she could love. Evan Davies is back in town after a six year absence. Last time he was here, he and Nathalie had tentatively begun to take their friendship to a different level. Now he’s home again and has the reason for his sudden departure from six years ago with him – his daughter, Polly. You can read an excerpt over on my WEBSITE and the book is available from Amazon.com AmazonUK or as a Nook book

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fever Cure is available in Paperback!

If you want a lovely copy to hold in your hands it's available now from all good book retailers. Order from Samhain, Amazon or Waterstones or WHSmiths For US readers here's the AMAZON link!